ReImagining Works is a collaboration between the Dayton Metro Library and The Dayton Art Institute to bring the work of regional artists into the branches as part of a collection of artwork to be enjoyed by library patrons. The new works are inspired by pieces that are a part of the permanent collection of the Dayton Art Institute. The work pays homage to the artistic traditions of the past, while creating art for the future.
This particular work is titled Seasonal, and is installed in the Southeast Branch of the Dayton Metro Library System. It was constructed and painted over the course of a year, and then installed in August of 2019. The work consists of a series of 3 large panels, each one 36” x 48”. Each panel contains multiple smaller works and sculptural elements. The piece was conceived in response to 2 works that are part of the collection in the DAI. The first is Ovala Marea by Therman Statum. I used the concept of separate forms coming together as a whole to represent the diverse community that the Southeast branch is located within. The second piece, Purple Leaves by Georgia O’Keeffe, was referenced in the overall theme within the paintings. I spoke to our connection to nature, the importance of the sycamore trees that are on the site of the new library, and the growing importance of urban agriculture within the community itself.